Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Albuquerque Update

Albuquerque is a very nice place. The air is clean, the sky is blue, the humidity is low, etc etc. We arrived last night at about 10:30pm at Gary & Pat Phipps' house, dropped 3DL170 off, then went to the closest motel.

Carter, Kyle, and Grandaddy spent most of the day hanging out at the motel, which thankfully has an indoor pool!

Meanwhile, Gary and I did some troubleshooting and I proceeded to cause a fairly major setback. While we're trying to discover the genesis of the car's problems, one of the things we did was see if leaving the fuel pumps on without the motor running would cause overflow out of the carbeurator. To turn on those pumps you flip on both the master switch and the ignition switch. If you leave the ignition switch on for an extended period of time without the car running, you risk frying the Pertronix electronic ignition modules in the car. Which is what I did. Long story short, I should have new modules here in Albuquerque on Friday morning. Thankfully I already had one spare, so we can still work on the car and troubleshoot.

Once we get the ignition fixed, I still have the vapor lock and the "running rich" issues to diagnose and solve. We have a notion that the running rich may be a float level issue, or perhaps a valve under the accelerator pump in the carbeurator that is leaky. Not fun pulling the top of the carb off, but we need to in order to get where we need to be. If we can possibly troubleshoot and solve the issue tomorrow, then Friday we can get the new ignition module in and be on our way.

We'll see. It is not yet any less frustrating.

Thank you very much to Gary and Pat for both the technical support and the meals! I appreciate it very much.

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